if you're in canada, happy victoria day long weekend! here are a few fun things to enhance the fun of the long weekend and the sunshine we so deserve...
restock of watches - all colours and sizes are back
designed and made in italy, interchange the colours of the bands or the watch face itself. find the perfect combo that suits your personality.

we've just recently received our 3rd and final shipment of summer native shoes and they are dwindling fast - summer in vancouver hasn't even started yet!
going on a trip? 'rather' is the evolution of our favourite guide books 'eat shop'. to read more about them, click here: http://bit.ly/JXnCg0
whatever you do, enjoy the sun while it's here fellow vancouverites!
happy long weekend - please note our shop hours for the weekend:
sunday 12 - 5pm
monday 12 - 5pm