"LUprints main designer, Ulla Clark, was introduced to Scandinavian textiles at a young age through growing up with a Swedish mother. On frequent family visits to Sweden she was intrigued by her relatives’ homes which were adorned with collections of hand embroidered and screen printed textiles. She has always been drawn to the pleasing simplicity that nature provides, she spent a decade working outside in the forest, often finding time for collecting and cataloguing plants and flowers. Her love of printing combined with her knowledge and training in sewing and designing led her to start LUprints in 2006."

"At the LUprints workshop we are dedicated to lessening our impact on the earth through the use of non-toxic products as well as reducing our energy use in the production of our items. Examples of what we do:
-we use ECO friendly Water-Based inks.
-we use soy-based cleaners when needed.
-we have a low-energy textile dryer.
-our fabrics are made from natural plants & fibres.
-our textile production is all done locally."

trays starting at $32, tea towels $18

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