when donna, 'head honcho' of the delectable savoury city came into the shop, she struck us as a fun-lovin' lady who knew what she liked. and she liked doreen's handmade krejci bags from amsterdam. she also knew that when she went to her friend's party that night, her friends would like her bag too. donna was right. a couple of days later, her friend sally (talented artist, sasa.b designs) came down and got one too. love these ladies!...they share a passion for all things good; food, travel, the italian language and country, and of course, art and design. check them out!
*sally is sporting the stylish and supple 'sacek'
"Well, first of all we live in Amsterdam, we have a lot of bicycles and therefore we have a lot of old inner tubes. Collecting them is more of a challenge...Debbie...comes once a week and then she tours on an old-school 'bakfiets' along the bicycle repair men who support the project.
We did a little survey under the repair shops, asking how many tubes they throw away per day; between 3 and 15 was the answer,...Old tubes don't get recycled in a large way so most of them end up in the incinerator. We believe that in Holland 10 000 tubes get burned per day. We worked out that last year we turned the amount of one day into bags..."
all handsewn in warsaw. love it. we are currently low on stock, but hope to get more in about a month, we'll keep you posted...
KREJCI's story:
krejci "started off three years ago with a series of bags made out of gray industrial felt. When designer Doreen Westphal received a bag full of inner tubes as a joke Christmas present she started to play around with the material...After much experimentation and study KREJCI succeeded in creating TUBUS,...made from original Amsterdam bicycle inner tubes and felt."
where do they get all their inner tubes from?

We did a little survey under the repair shops, asking how many tubes they throw away per day; between 3 and 15 was the answer,...Old tubes don't get recycled in a large way so most of them end up in the incinerator. We believe that in Holland 10 000 tubes get burned per day. We worked out that last year we turned the amount of one day into bags..."