For those who love nature or appreciate the art of wood making, and would love to incorporate it into their homes- some suggestions!
Boards By Joel // slices of a variety of hardwood trees, carefully dried, sanded, and finished with a food-safe mineral oil, can be used for cutting or serving. 10in $32, 12in $38
AI // locally made cedar wood coasters, sewari-cut (intentionally cut grooves control the drying process of wooden posts in architecture). $22
Turnco // maple and walnut tops with glass carafes and mason jars, made on Whidbey Island. starting at $40
Upstate // hand-poured coconut oil based wax, 3 scents- hudson valley sweet musk, sawmill green leaf, the woods of okondaga county. $44
NDC // locally made wooden coasters and trivet, laser cut in the shapes of city maps. coasters (set of 4) $40.50, trivet $41
Raumgestalt // beech incense house/burner, burn mini incense cones and let smoke exit through the chimney. $45
Izola // incense sticks, red cedar and balsam fir scents. $22
Areaware // basswood infinite tree, designed using measurements from the golden ratio which is thought to play a role in the human perception of beauty. $56